5 Reasons Why Co-op Media Tours Will Be More Important Than Ever in 2023

As PR practitioners and marketers, we are constantly adjusting the ways we communicate with the media and connect with consumers. The best campaigns are those that take advantage of a variety of communications channels; however, marketing dollars are being spent on digital more than ever, often at the expense of “traditional” channels. But if mediums like broadcast are an afterthought in your media plan, you’re missing out. Say hello to co-op media tours.

What are co-op satellite media tours (SMTs), anyway?

Co-op SMTs offer brands a more cost-effective way to get their product featured on TV, radio, and digital outlets alongside other non-competing brand partners. They also provide an opportunity to partner with respected spokespeople and tie campaigns into current trends.

Here’s why you should care about co-op media tours this year:

  1. It’s guaranteed media coverage…in uncertain times. While a segment may occasionally be bumped for breaking news, the combination of earned and secured placements ensures every tour is a success, with over 98% of interviews resulting in coverage.
  2. TV stations need good content now more than ever. With staff shortages across the country, newsrooms still need to produce fresh content daily. Co-ops deliver relevant editorial and quality content, saving news directors from manpower and budget concerns at a time when both are stretched.
  3. They’re the perfect answer in a remote/hybrid marketing landscape. The trade show industry has remained largely remote and/or hybrid. As a result, brands are missing out on the opportunity they used to enjoy for connecting with other brands. A co-op allows a visual partnership with other brands, presenting integrated content that highlights the strength of these events, even when they’re not on-site.
  4. Co-ops are portable… If the media isn’t showing up to events, then we bring the event to the media. Instead of having to use a studio, we continue to produce many of our co-ops remotely. This allows us a tremendous amount of flexibility, as was the case for one of our recent CES tours).
  5. …and they’ll save you money. Perhaps most important: By splitting the cost with three other brands, co-ops deliver the same impressions for a fraction of the cost of an owned tour, helping brands leverage the power of broadcast.

Interested in learning more? View our current Co-op Calendar to learn about upcoming media co-op opportunities!