Salesforce® Sales Cloud Implementation Increases Sales, Collaboration and Revenue Visibility 

Challenge / Goal

A leading North American freight company wanted to consolidate multiple systems supporting customer and sales activities. Their legacy systems lacked the functionality needed to support a single view of their customer base across multiple fragmented operating companies.

A significant number of manual processes were required by sales representatives and sales leaders to merge information for a consolidated sales overview. The goal was to provide a single go-to-market process to consolidate disparate sales teams, many of whom were hindered by archaic systems prohibiting growth and visibility across all channels.


Bridgenext (formerly Wave6) architected a solution on Salesforce® Sales Cloud platform and refined their sales processes. The solution automated front office procedures and integrated the company’s backend platforms for streamlined sales processes including:

  • Deploying Salesforce® Sales Cloud to allow the greatest visibility across all channels
  • Integrating back-office data into Salesforce®, allowing for a single view of customer revenue data
  • Delivering consolidated sales processes across multiple operating companies
  • Enabling collaboration across sales and service to improve external customer experiences
  • Providing measurable expected-to-actual growth achievement across sales teams, operating companies and service types


The new Salesforce®-based solution has substantially increased sales rep productivity. After the new functionality was launched across the sales organization, the organization immediately:

  • Reduced complexity in the sales team’s go-to market
  • Improved visibility for bills, revenue and churn across multiple operating companies’ activities
  • Increased accessibility of data for management-level reporting
  • Optimized revenue potential, pricing intelligence and opportunity revenue realization by re-engineering its entire sales process
  • Pleased with the results, the organization continues to expand the use of the Salesforce® platform to additional areas including customer service, sales operations and terminals.


Transportation & Logistics


  • Reduced complexity in sales organization
  • Improved visibility for bills, revenue and churn across entities
  • Easily accessible data for management-level reporting
  • Re-engineered sales process to optimize revenue potential

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