Global Pharmaceutical Firm Optimizes Salesforce® Instance and Boosts Support Capabilities

Challenge / Goal

The world’s largest manufacturer of OTC healthcare products for store brands struggled with a high volume of Salesforce®-related end-user support requests, which coupled with existing resource constraints led to an extensive backlog. Long IT response times began to impact the organization’s sales, marketing and operations teams, as well as delay key functional releases, development requests and other critical projects.

To remedy these issues and take full advantage of the Salesforce® platform, the pharmaceutical tech leader needed a partner who could provide additional administrative support, extra skillsets and guidance on platform optimization, and strategic roadmap planning for growth.


The company turned to Bridgenext (formerly Wave6) and our unique Salesforce® support offering to address its 200+ open support tickets. We dedicated a full-time Salesforce Business Analyst (SBA) to handle the outstanding open tickets and work alongside the client’s business leaders to support any incoming requests.

To plan for proper expansion of the Salesforce® platform, Bridgenext also provided an optimization analysis that gave the client visibility into potential expansion capabilities available within Salesforce® to support various departments.


Partnering with Bridgenext, the company saw an immediate reduction of support tickets, reducing a backlog of 208 down to 50 in the first two weeks. They could now focus on critical projects including platform expansion versus addressing support issues.

Bridgenext identified areas of improvement during the optimization analysis to increase ease of use, which ultimately led to increased user adoption. Additionally, we:

  • Identified and archived fields previously not utilized to create a more efficient user experience
  • Identified gaps between existing business processes and current SFDC functionality
  • Provided an optimization exercise to help increase user adoption
  • Provided recommendations for enhancing data integration between SFDC and its ERP solution
  • Streamlined content and documentation management

Bridgenext continues to provide guidance around the optimization and expansion of Salesforce®, ensuring a stable and scalable platform for long-term strategic growth.




  • 76% Backlog decrease in the first two weeks
  • Ability to focus on critical projects versus support
  • Strategic roadmap planning for growth
  • A stable, scalable platform to advance business goals

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