The Women Who Inspire Us

03.04.22 By

Happy International Women’s Day! Get to know a few of the bright, talented and amazing women who inspire us every day here at Bridgenext (formerly DEFINITION 6).

VP, Production

My mantra at work is_______.

Who doesn’t love a shoot day!?

What advice would you give your younger self?

Not to worry so much. It all works out in the end.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

Tomorrow is another day…

Who inspires you and why?

My sister, Donna. Even though she is no longer with us, her gift of music and song has remained a constant in my life. She was a music teacher and taught me piano and also how to laugh and sing, even if you were off key.

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

My Mom decided to continue our family business when my dad passed away. She was the OG.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Standing up to a bully in the third grade… but truth be told, I had a Great Dane dog at my side.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

Walking on to set and knowing I can make it happen.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

Being married to a wonderful man and having two beautiful sons.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

Being a producer

Final thoughts?

Behind every successful woman is herself.

Account Coordinator, PR Services

What advice would you give your younger self?

Speak up! I was super quiet growing up and, looking back, I can see that my fear of being heard kept me from so many things. Sometimes I feel myself slipping back into that “quiet girl” state of mind and I have to remind myself that I’ve gone through too much character development to miss out on things because I’m too afraid to say anything.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

That I should give myself the same grace I give to others! I pride myself on being empathetic and taking time to understand what other folks are going through, but sometimes I forget to apply that to my own emotions. In those situations, I’ll try and do things to cheer myself up like I would if a friend was having a bad day.

Who inspires you and why?

Tina Fey. She was the first-ever female head writer on SNL and wasn’t afraid to take up space in a field that historically hadn’t presented many opportunities to women. Her whole brand is being unapologetically authentic and not letting the perceptions of others shape the way you follow your dreams.

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

I’m grateful to my fellow Bridgenext’er, Melanie Reiter, who told me to apply at Bridgenext! We graduated together from the same program at San Diego State University in the midst of a global pandemic (no biggie), and I saw her post on LinkedIn about openings at the agency she’d just joined. I reached out, she encouraged me to apply, and the rest is history. Women supporting women!

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Accepting a position nearly 3,000 miles away from home for my first real post-grad job! My younger self would be so incredibly proud of me for chasing a dream that I’ve had since the first time I visited NYC as a high school sophomore.

Program Manager

My mantra at work is_______.

“The path is the goal.” It’s all about what we learn along the way and how we use those things we learn to grow as professionals and ultimately master our craft.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Calm tf down, you’re overcomplicating it.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

Deep breath, exhale, and give it up to the universe.

Who inspires you and why?

Working moms for sure. I remember what it was like trying to grow my career and be a good mother, which often conflicted. The reality is balancing both should be an Olympic sport, and hats off to the women trying their best every single day!

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I took a solo trip to Italy to get a tattoo from an artist I had been following for several years. I ended up making it into a 17-day trip across several cities and the tattoo turned out fantastic.

Creative Director

My mantra at work is_______.

Listen closely to what the client wants and then deliver the unimagined.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

I wanted to be Helen Hunt from the movie What Women Want. She showed me what a creative director was and that a woman could be one.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I told the truth.

What is a CAREER achievement you’re most proud of?

A proud career moment is when I brought my son to see our TLC “Say Yes to the Dress” promo campaign on the longest digital board in Times Square.

What is a LIFE achievement you’re most proud of?

I’m most proud that I have been able to raise my fascinating son while being an engaged, present mother and successful at my job at the same time.

Project Manager

My mantra at work is_______.

If you’re not having fun, what are you doing?

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t worry about whether you’re someone’s cup of tea. Surround yourself with people who think you’re the whole teapot.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

Focus on the little victories; a meeting you felt particularly good about, giving your client a reason to smile when they’re having a rough day, you’re surrounded by coworkers who are actually your friends!

Who inspires you and why?

My mother is a bad ass. She taught me everything I know about hard work, balance, and leadership.

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

I am grateful to Bridgenext’er Abby Boulrice for the multiple times she’s dropped everything in her day to help me when I needed it. In my personal life when I was injured, she really saved the day; brought me dinner and walked my dog when I was laid up and couldn’t move. At work, she’s been a sounding board and willing to pick up my slack if over loaded.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

Power pose. If I’m going into a meeting or before a situation I feel anxious about, I power pose to get myself into a more confident head-space.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

Being a beloved auntie to my nieces. It’s not something you can measure, but family is important to me and so is being a good role model for them.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

I wanted to be a master brewer/distiller. I was a weird girl.

Sr. Employee Experience Specialist

My mantra at work is_______.

Work smarter, not harder.

What advice would you give your younger self?

You don’t need to decide exactly what you’re going to do with your career in college or even after. You’ll find your way, find success, and be really happy with where you land!

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

It’s okay to have bad days, you’re human and you’re allowed to feel defeated, but you can’t let this day determine your week.

Who inspires you and why?

The best version of myself inspires me. There have been many incredible women that have taught me amazing lessons, but when I’m feeling really down or uninspired, I remember the version of me that’s healthy, happy, and empowered.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Moving from Florida to Georgia for a job, not knowing anyone and hoping it would work out. I told myself, “If I can do this, I can do anything”. Seven years later, I found myself, a career with an organization I love and someone to share the rest of life with!

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

When I’m able to observe a situation (or person) and predict the outcome correctly.

Senior Creative Copywriter

My mantra at work is_______.

“I always have the time to be the energy of love.”

What advice would you give your younger self?

Worrying means you suffer twice.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

We aren’t overworked…we are creative athletes!

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

I want to celebrate all the women I work with in the day-to-day! From Kristen Boban to Claire Penhorwood and Abby Boulrice to Christian Duplantis…We are never alone here; the teamwork is so real!

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Letting go of the fears that hold us back is my thing! The flashiest answers are skydiving out of the second plane I’d ever been on or cliff jumping 5x in 3 days to face my fear of heights… But the realest answer would be, having the courage to admit I didn’t know who I was and allowing myself to sit without any labels defining me until I blossomed from the inside out.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?


What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

After overcoming a health issue, I sold everything I owned and fulfilled my “one day” dream of traveling the world. Logic (society) would’ve said it was a stupid plan, but within two years of moving back with “nothing” to my name, I had a fulfilling career, a beautiful love, friends, family, and a total sanctuary of a home!

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

Giving speeches to real audiences instead of my stuffed animals.

Production Assistant

What advice would you give your younger self?

Believe in yourself! The things that make you different will ultimately prove to be assets!

Who inspires you and why?

My mom is my biggest inspiration because she embodies all of the characteristics I think are important to carry in every situation and environment I encounter. No matter what the situation, my mom is always thoughtful, kind, and generous. Her fearlessness in following her heart: moving to a foreign country for love and raising two kids, her resilience through hardship, and her persistence in keeping a soft heart all inspire me endlessly.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

I feel most confident when I’m performing music!

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a writer!

SVP, Group Account Director

My mantra at work is_______.

Get Shit Done

What advice would you give your younger self?

Work hard and stay true to yourself, make memories, soak up all the good times and always learn from your mistakes.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

My family is everything.

Who inspires you and why?

My late grandmother, Sallie. She lived a fabulous 85+ years and while she had lots of ups and “downs” she handled everything with grace and was always honest even if it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Most importantly, she loved her family with her whole heart.

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

My Mom always instills confidence in me.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?


What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

Get “dressed” to tackle the day

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

Being a mom, a working mom.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

Ha – I think that changed a lot… I was a little girl with big dreams but I always knew that I wanted to be a mom.

Account Coordinator

My mantra at work is_______.

Each day is what you make it! Put your best foot forward in everything you do.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Go for it! Make the most of what’s in front of you. So many opportunities await you if you just take the first step forward.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

Rough days challenge and change you for the better. Remembering how the bad days helped put me on the right path is reassuring. It gives me the confidence to see each new day as a chance to grow and be better than I was before.

Who inspires you and why?

Simone Biles – I’m constantly amazed by how she pushes the limits of what’s possible and inspired by how she has paved her own path forward.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

A good playlist can always hype me up and get me ready to tackle anything that comes my way.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

I’m a pianist of 14 years! I also played the marimba for seven years.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

I always dreamed of living in a big city. Visiting Atlanta when I was younger was so exciting, happy to call this place home now!

VP, Account Director, PR Services

My mantra at work is_______.

Persistence pays off.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Say yes to everything when you are young! Try new things, enjoy new experiences, and just live your best life. The older you get, the more responsibilities, so do it now.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______.

Where’s the wine?

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

Get a blow out.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

Climbing Waynu Picchu at Machu Picchu. I’m not in the best shape but I trained for over a year to take this hike with my dad, and I’ve never felt more accomplished in my life. Oh, and maybe having my kids. Yeah, I should have said the kids.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

Being an Olympic figure skater.

VP Account Director, PR Services

My mantra at work is_______.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Listen more, talk less.

After a rough day, you tell yourself_______

This too shall pass and tomorrow is another day.

Who inspires you and why?

My Mother and my Grandmother. Both were very strong women who were determined to take on every challenge big or small with determination and a smile.

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

My mother for everything.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I changed careers after working in Network News for 10 years and went into Broadcast PR. I took the leap of faith and never looked back. Best decision of my life.

What is it that you do to make you feel most confident?

Put on lipstick.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

Raising my two sons and watching them become young men who respect women.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

Becoming a lawyer.

Final thoughts?

I am always in awe of the successful women in my life who multitask between family and work life with grace and dignity.

Director of Marketing

My mantra at work is_______.

Everything is figureoutable.

Who inspires you and why?

My late grandmother, Marian. Despite getting polio at age 20, she went on to have 10 children, raised them basically single-handedly (and in a wheelchair) and eventually won a “World’s Greatest Mom” contest in 1992 by the National Enquirer! She was famous for her hilariously blunt advice. (i.e. “If you’re bored, Mariah, you’re stupid.”)

I am grateful to ____ for that time she _____.

I am grateful to a peer of mine from 10+ years ago named Emmalee for that time she complimented my work via email and copied the CEO. It was such an easy thing for her to do, but it meant so much to me as a 22-year-old trying to prove myself in the agency world.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Throughout my 20s, I traveled the state of Wisconsin and visited classrooms and organizations to share my personal family story about how alcoholism affects kids in the family.

What is an achievement you’re most proud of?

It’s not an achievement but a characteristic: my thick skin. It takes a lot to rattle my cage and I’m proud of that.

What did you dream of doing when you were a little girl?

I dreamt of moving to NYC to become editor-in-chief of a teen magazine… My career in PR actually started when I got my high school dance team featured in an issue of CosmoGIRL! Magazine (and yes, I still have the copy!).


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Topics: Bridgenext Company Culture

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